segunda-feira, 21 de março, 2016

The Brazilian market of PCs 36% drop in suffers sales in 2015

2015 has not been a good year for the Brazilian market. According to the IDC study Brazil PCs Tracker Q4, conducted by IDC Brazil, which acts in market intelligence, advisory services and conferences with the industries of information technology and telecommunications, 6.6 million computers were sold from January to December, which represents a drop of 36% in comparison to 2014. Since total, 2.6 million were desktops (fall of 36%) and 4 million were laptops (also fall of 36%), 32% being marketed for the corporate market and 68% for the final consumer.
2015 "was the worst year since 2005, when the country sold almost the same number of machines, but this was a new market, which was on the rise. Last year was a period of frequent and high rates of unemployment and the country faced a political-economic moment full of unrest. It reflected directly on consumer purchasing decisions, "says Peter Hagge, research analyst of IDC Brazil.
While the market pointed fall in units sold, the IRS only 13%. "In 2014, a computer would cost, on average, 1694 R$. Last year, this figure was for R$ 2323, i.e. the average ticket grew 37%, "says the analyst of IDC Brazil. Second Hagge, the Brazilian consumer is more demanding and more robust equipment and manufacturers, in turn, cannot offer more powerful machines for lower prices.
4th quarter of 2015
According to the IDC study Brazil, between the months of October and December 2015 were sold 1.4 million computers in the country, being 531 1000 desktops (45% drop compared with 2014) and 847 1000 notebooks (fall of 50% in comparison to 2014). Of this total, 65% were intended for final consumers and 35% to the corporate market.
Forecast for 2016
The trend, according to IDC Brazil, is that the retraction in the PC market to repeat in 2016. "We expect a fall of 18% in units and an increase of 20% in average ticket. With the end of the law of right, the prices of computers should be at least 10% higher in comparison with the last year ", said Hagge.
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