quinta-feira, 03 de março, 2016

IPC-FIPE has high of 0.89% in February, compared with an increase of 1.37% in January

In the first quarter, the Fipe index accumulated inflation of 2.27%. In the 12-month period ended in February, inflation was at 10.43%.
The consumer price index (CPI), which measures inflation in the city of São Paulo, was discharged from 0.89 percent in February, showing a slowdown both in relation to the January reading (+1.37%) as compared to that of the third quadrissemana of last month (+1%).
The monthly result calculated by the Economic Research Institute Foundation (Fipe) was within forecasts of 11 institutions consulted by the AE projections, increased 0.72% to 0.91%, but above the median of estimates, of 0.83%.
In the first quarter, the Fipe index accumulated inflation of 2.27%. In the 12-month period ended in February, inflation was at 10.43%.
In February, three groups of products have slowed down earnings compared with January. In food, rising prices decreased by 2.36% in January to 1.02% last month; in transport, + 2.19% to +1.09%; and in education, 7.62% +0.39 +%.
On the other hand, there was acceleration in Housing prices, + 0.64% in January to + 0.91% in February, Personal expenses, + 0.14% to +0.84%, and Health costs, + 0.58% to +0.71%. In addition, Clothing prices rose 0.36 percent in February, after back 0.39% in the previous month.
See how were the items that make up the CPI in February:
Housing: 0.91%
Power: 1.02%
Transport: 1.09%
Personal expenses: 0.84%
Health: 0.71%
Clothing: 0.36%
Education: 0.39%
General index: 0.89%
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