terça-feira, 01 de março, 2016

IBM will buy cyber security firm Resilient Systems

Reuters)-IBM Security plans to acquire privately held company of cybersecurity Resilient Systems, as part of a move to expand its role in the market of responses to incidents.
The sale takes place in the midst of consolidation in the tech sector and the decline in the ratings of companies in the sector.
Investors estimate that companies were overvalued after a wave of flashy attacks the United States Government and large corporations to increase the interest in the market.
The terms of the agreement were not disclosed.
IBM said it plans to retain the nearly 100 employees of Resilient Systems, including Chief Executive John Bruce, who is former Vice-President of Symantec, and CTO Bruce Schneier.
Known as Co3 Systems when it was founded in 2010, the Resilient Systems became a leading company in the field of immediate answers, high demand, to help private and governmental clients prepare, detect and mitigate systems failures, said the Senior Analyst Enterprise Strategy Group''s primary, Jon Oltsik.
Reuters Noticia traducida automáticamente
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