quarta-feira, 16 de março, 2016

Crisis in brazilian economy makes consumption of chicken crumble

Following intensive exports already.
With Brazil''s increasingly poor sales of chicken are shrinking. Data from the Center for studies in applied economics (Cepea), the Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz of the University of São Paulo (USP), the stranding of the product is visible in front of weak demand from the domestic market. "Sales of chicken in the country are below expected by wholesalers and retailers," said in a note, the Cepea. Following intensive exports already. For the organ, once the Brazilians sales represent the largest portion of the market, and are in pace below expectations, meat prices retreat in wholesale. In retail, but still there was no benefit to consumers.
In the shopping cart, the changes are visible to the parlourmaid Bernadete Simplicius, 60 years. She revealed that, to be able to afford the supermarket, had to reduce the quantities of food and trade marks. "I''m getting on the market concerned, thinking that I will be able to take," he said. She said that, to meet the times of crisis, is being forced to be creative in time to assemble the dish, mainly into the mix, because, sometimes, even the chicken can include shopping. "When there is no meat, make a salad, an omelet with sausage, which is cheaper," he said.
Chief Economist of Gradual Investimentos, André Perfect demonstrated concern about the drop in chicken sales, because it proves the strong deterioration of household income. "This shows that we are in the middle of the wage adjustment. The Brazilian has already left to buy beef to buy chicken and, now, I don''t know where you''re going, "he said. High unemployment also restricts the demand for food. The frame is a tragedy for the families.
According to the Cepea/Esalq indicator, the price of frozen chicken in São Paulo is in R$ 3.89 a pound last Thursday, without variation in relation to the previous day, but with the fall of 4.42% accumulated in the month. A kilo of chicken cold was set in R$ 3.91, with fall in the month of 4.17%.
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