segunda-feira, 21 de março, 2016

BRF and Mondelez make deal to distribute brand Philadelphia in the country

The BRF reported this Friday in a statement sent to the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) that entered into the agreement with the Mondelez, announced in January, for the manufacture and distribution of Philadelphia brand in Brazil.
The agreement stipulates that the Mondelez will be the only responsible for manufacturing of Philadelphia brand cream cheese. The BRF will respond for the distribution and sale of the product.
Philaelphia brand belongs to the Mondelez, but in Brazil is produced by K&S Foods, a joint venture of the Mondelez with the BRF Foods, in which the American holds 51% share.
The Board of BRF approved the acquisition of all the shares representing the share capital of K&S Foods S.A. the deal has been approved by regulatory agencies.
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