quarta-feira, 26 de outubro, 2016

For Lactalis invests 100 million R$ on RS

São Paulo-for Lactalis Group began producing in Brazil its recognized brand of cheeses Président. For that, the French invested 100 million R$ in the factories of Rio Grande do Sul.
According to the company''s CEO, Patrick Sauvageot, the intention is to develop the market of cheeses in the country, starting with the introduction of most popular products and gradually offer versions still little explored in the Brazilian market. "We stop imports of these items and we want to be the number one brand of cheeses in Brazil. There''s definitely room to grow ", cites the Executive.
With units in 10 States around the Country, such as Goiás, São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul, the sum of 100 million R$ will be used in the production of Gaucho for Lactalis. There are produced, beyond the line of cheese, milk, yogurt, sour cream, cream cheese and butter. "We will nationalize as much as possible, our production. With the process of substitution of imports will be able to increase our scale and reduce the final price, "calculates Sauvageot.
Investments in the South include the modernisation of factories located in the cities of May 3, Teutônia, Santa Rosa and Ijuí and acquiring technology and equipment necessary for the production of cheeses like brie and Kingdom.
According to the Research Group for Lactalis, the per capita cheese consumption in Brazil is only five pounds per year, while the Europeans come to consume 30 pounds in the same period.
In addition, 50% of the national market is concentrated in categories such as mozzarella cheese and plate. "These numbers show that it is possible to introduce other kinds of cheese every day of the Brazilian consumer and expand the performance of our business," said the Executive during a press conference with reporters.
In Brazil from 2011, for Lactalis Group also counts with the Parmalat products, Batavo, Elect, Santa Rosa and Poços de Caldas in your portfolio.
Among the challenges facing the company in the process of internalization of production are the consumption habits of Brazilians, the CEO.
"We will do everything in stages. Our first step will be to achieve demand for basic products such as cottage cheese, to then bring other types of cheese. Our market is still little varied, "says.
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