News by Product (Mineral water =>20 lt)
ID NoticiaTituloFonteResumoLinkData NoticiaProdutoID_1Produto_1ProdutoKey_1ProdutoID_2Produto_2ProdutoKey_2ProdutoID_3Produto_3ProdutoKey_3
Bonafont introduces new logo and new visual identity

2/17/2017 - If you''re the type who can''t walk around without notice on the packaging and product design that is ahead of you, you must surely have seen the new logo and the new visual identity of the Danone Bonafont water packaging.

Schin invests in brand repositioning

10/1/2015 - After spending a year conducting research with Brazilian consumers, Kirin Brazil intends to reposition the brand. The idea is to approach consumers in the Schin. The new campaign of the group will circulate from October 1 and includes, in addition to airing in all media, a new packaging.

Nestle sees room to grow in Brazil in the medium term

9/8/2015 - Nestle's sales have grown at annual pace of a digit in Brazil in recent quarters, the company considers positive result given the weakness of the economy, according to the Group's Executive Vice President for the Americas, Laurent Freixe.

Bottled water becomes threat to soda

8/31/2015 - Mary Clare Carley don't remember last time I drank bottled water. She buys water in supermarkets of the United States US $ 1 or less than brands like Crystal Springs or Great Value.

Potable and mineral waters of table will have the Inmetro seal

8/20/2014 - Inmetro has just published the Portaria 307/2014, establishing the conformity assessment Requirements to natural mineral waters and drinkable potted table, marketed in glass returnable and disposable packaging.

S. Pellegrino innovates with special design in 1-litre PET containers

4/8/2014 - S. Pellegrino, revered as the Champagne of mineral waters, just enlarge your portfolio with the launch of the s. Pellegrino in PET packaging of 1 litre, which got to the points of sale in the first week of April, with sophisticated design and practical. With this news the brand now offers a product with more cost competitive, which will allow the increased frequency of consumption of Italian water in addition to special occasions, at other times of the day.

Hot searches for mineral water grow 30%

2/6/2014 - The heat registered in recent months increased in 30% the search for mineral water in the country between December and early February 2013, compared with the same period last summer.

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