News by Product (Linea)
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Linea WINS signed by designer accessory Isabela Capeto

9/12/2014 - A Linea criou um acessório exclusivo para proteger os adoçantes de 25ml, muitas vezes carregados na bolsa, com estilo. O porta-gotinha conta com três estampas desenvolvidas em parceria com a estilista Isabela Capeto. O lançamento chega a varejistas, farmácias e empórios brasileiros a partir desta semana, num pack contendo um adoçante líquido de 75ml, outro de 25 ml e o acessório, ao preço sugerido de R$ 27,99.

Linea presents white chocolate Easter egg

3/20/2014 - After the release of version to milk chocolate egg, success in 2013, Linea, a company with expertise in products without added sugar, fat and low-sodium presents in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro a new flavor of Easter eggs: white chocolate egg. The delicacies have collagen and high fiber content, in addition to excellent texture and creaminess. In addition, eggs comes this year with a new packaging, ideal gift for the whole family.

Packing of Owens-Illinois for Linea competes the prize

7/19/2013 - The Linea, food brand focused on developing products with no added sugar, fat and low in sodium, has just been selected to compete for the prize of the Brazilian packaging 2013 OPENS iconic packaging jams

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