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New paths move an increasingly global Chevrolet

7/31/2013 - After thirteen years of was ' count on me ', came the turn of Chevrolet entering the generation ' Find New Roads '. Behind the fourth great cycle of brand identity in Brazil — the others were ' take action ' in the years 70 Chevrolet, and ' Walking in front, in the 90 — is a global strategy: put the Golden tie, the symbol of the group, the select hall of the ten largest on the globe. And this in a relatively short period: 10 years.

GM can invest $ 2.5 billion in San José

5/28/2013 - The weather was getting warmed up at General Motors in São José dos Campos, in the State of São Paulo. After the wave of layoffs that has shaken the unit earlier this year, with allegation of low competitiveness on the part of the company, is being negotiated between carmaker, City Hall and the syndicate of the metalurgists of São José, an investment of around r $ 2.5 billion for the implementation of a new production line at the plant for more than 50 years.

Car production falls more than expected

1/8/2013 - The vehicle production dropped by 1.9% in 2012, a result worse than the 1.5 percent reduction designed by automakers in December. With the fall of 14% in the last month of the year in November, the final number closed at 3.342 million units. It was the first negative annual result in ten years. Record sales were already, with 3.8 million vehicles, including imports.

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