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BRF Announces its new brand of food

1/11/2018 - The BRF announced on Tuesday (09), the launch of your new brand of food: the Kidelli. With portfolio based on poultry and swine, Kidelli will have 14 products and will serve in nine categories, among them, presuntaria, fingers, mortadella, sausage and hamburger.

Exclusive: replacement of the packaging must Sound turn frozen category

6/7/2017 - Recently, two lines of frozen products of Sadia-breaded and ready meals – began to adopt flexible packaging instead of traditional paper cartridges that today dominate the category in retail freezers. What, for the unaware, may just be more an exchange of packaging materials among so many recorded routinely, the editors of this magazine indicate be the sign of a more significant change, and possibly without back, able to change the pattern of a whole category.

C-Valley resselável to zip packaging adopts nuggets Aurora

9/25/2014 - The C-Valley renews the packaging of Aurora Auroggets. The company adopted a flexible packaging with zipper opens and closes. The packaging is produced by Plastrela and the zip provided by Zip-Pak Brazil.

Sadia brings to Brazil the Chicken Bites in two flavors

5/28/2014 - Sadia brought to Brazil in the limited edition chicken fingers Healthy Chicken Bites, released as the official aperitif of the Brazilian team. The product is made with a special flour. Will be marketed two versions of snack: traditional barbecue sauce and crunchy to the sauce. The packaging has a tapered shape and can be used to serve the product after the preparation.

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