quarta-feira, 17 de maio, 2017

AmBev 43% reduces water consumption in liquor production

Ambev, maker of brands like Guarana Antarctica, DoBem, Fusion, Gatorade, Loves and Lipton in 43% reduced water consumption in the production of their drinks in the last 14 years. The company had already beaten in the 2015 global target established for 2017 to use the most of 3.2 litres of water for each liter of bottled drink. Last year, the brewery went even further and reached 3.04 liters. The reduction compared to 2015, was 4.1%. The permanent evolution rates of water consumption if the job on several fronts, with training of staff, internal awareness campaigns, use of the best available equipment and technology, standardization of processes, reuse of water and the establishment of individual and collective goals.
ABIR - 12/05/2017
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