terça-feira, 15 de setembro, 2015

Intelligence course in purchasing/Strategic Sourcing/indicators-SP

Come and join the 60th Edition of this course, in São Paulo, 23 days and 9/24/15, at the Hotel Slaviero Slim Congonhas, the 8:30 at 6:00 pm. If you are a CostDrivers customer, sign up now with 20% discount via email maria.izabel@inesup.org.br or by phone at 11 5503-6582. Also visit the INESUP website: www.inesup.org.br Empowering shopping area executives & Supplies to understand all the concepts on the proposed topics, help them in a possible implementation of the activities in their organizations, and even make decisions in environments of high competitiveness, with the use of these modern tools that are being used in organizations that understand to be the C&S function not only strategic, but also responsible on the results of the companies. Aims also to develop a critical and strategic vision of the Intelligence process in function, since they encourage the network among the participants to exchange experiences and ideas, transferring knowledge from one area to another and thus expanding the possibilities of understanding of solutions to problems related to information and management.
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