quarta-feira, 02 de setembro, 2020

Food Inflation

The month of August had a rise of 8.10% in inflation, considering the most consumed items during the pandemic, according to FecomercioSP.Among the five best-selling categories, all recorded high inflation, compared to the same period last year. They are: Home food (11.11%), Food and beverages (7.96%), Housing - cleaning items (4.16%), Health services (6.09%) and Personal care (4.72%). In food and beverages, the products that had the highest rates were the ones sought for daily meals, such as carioca beans (46.77%), muscle (27.97%), pear orange (26.74%), long-life milk (24.73%) and rice (22.72%).
Giro News - 01/09/2020 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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