terça-feira, 17 de julho, 2018

Completion of the purchase from Eldorado by Paper Excellence is in the home stretch

The completion of the purchase from Eldorado Brazil, J&F Investments, by Paper Excellence is in the final stretch. The group already owns 49.4% of the shares of brazilian pulp company and should terminate the process of acquiring total control until August 10, in an operation that moved R $15 billion.
Feng shui
The contract of purchase and sale was signed in the early hours of a Saturday, 2 September last year, because the drivers of Paper Excellence, of Chinese origin, are followers of feng shui principles. According to this current of thought, closing deals on the 1st of September would not bring good luck. This time, you won't have to pull an all-nighter.
Improving While your selling strategy concludes, the J&F Investments follows advancing on improvement of corporate governance of its companies, after the crisis faced by the group from may last year. The holding company has just hired the consultancy Ernest & Young to assist in the implementation of the compliance in their companies.
Although each company carry their own legs, the J&F must guide best practice in all its businesses. Since the creation of the Office of compliance in the holding, in December last year, $50 million have already been invested approximately R in the program.
O Estado de S. Paulo - 15/07/2018
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