quinta-feira, 03 de maio, 2018

Mother's day Online Sales Grow 35%

Sales in e-commerce sales for mother's day must grow 35% compared to the same period last year, according to a survey conducted by Tray, e-commerce unit of Locaweb. According to the study, the segments responsible for the high must be fashion and accessories; footwear; Perfumery; consumer electronics and appliances. The signs of improvement in the economy and falling interest rates are some of the factors that encourage the purchase of more expensive gifts, according to Williams, Director-General of the Tray. "Another factor that impacts on the growth in the number of applications and the average ticket is trust in buying over the internet", reveals. In 2017, the online sales for mother's day grew up 39.91% in revenues.
Giro News - 02/05/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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