segunda-feira, 16 de abril, 2018

With success of capsules, coffee comes out of the kitchen and go to the room

In the World of Coffee, concluded on 14 April, nothing better than to celebrate the date with a nice cup of drink. Can be filtered coffee at home, the bakery or that good espresso capsule with different flavors and aromas.
Introduced in the country in 2006 by Nespresso capsule coffee, quickly became a national passion. Before, the country only had access to imported, coming from Switzerland, where they are located three large factories of the company. With the fall of more than a thousand patents, in 2013, began to be produced compatible models the format of machine manufactured by Nestlé. These "generic" brands have developed a parallel market and somewhat popularized espresso in a single dose, as are found in supermarkets, which does not happen with the original-sold only on the website of the brand and in boutiques and kiosks. "We do only direct selling because we want to meet our consumer," explains Claudia Leite, Manager of cafes and sustainability of Nespresso.
The trend of the consumption of coffee in capsules is confirmed by Nathan Herszkowicz, Executive Director of Abic (Brazilian coffee industry Association). He explains that the capsule has a "form of preparation with practicality, convenience and quality." In less than a minute and with just a touch of a button, prepare coffee correctly (water the right temperature and amount of powder ideal) and preserved quality. "Because of the care that the industry has to prepare, is the same coffee today or a year from now," he explains.
The marketing manager of Three Hearts, John Carlstron, agrees. "The coffee come out of the kitchen and went to the room. It's a different experience when you can choose different types of coffee for various hours of the day. A more intense morning coffee, a milder afternoon and a decaf at night ", exemplifies.
Another point that strengthens the consumption of coffee in capsules is your social character. "The capsules are guaranteed space on gastronomy, out of home, in restaurants, in coffee house. The coffee capsule is an affordable luxury and the person recognizes the differential cost, but this has not prevented your success, "says Herszkowicz.
Five years ago, the consumption of coffee in capsules has grown from 40% to 50% per year. Then, the annual average has become of 9%, according to Herszkowicz. He explains that growth is less, "but shows a category that grows more than coffee as a whole, which is 3.5% per year".
Carlstron also States that the Cafe has 97% penetration in Brazil, of which 3% is in capsules. "Last year, the market grew 27% capsules and Three Hearts grew 34%, i.e. above the average for the Brazilian market," he says. When it comes to coffee makers pod, the market grew by 21% and the company, 38%.
Nespresso does not disclose numbers, but the brand is present in 70 countries and Brazil is among the top ten that consume the coffee company. "Historically, the Brazilian formed the palate for more roasted coffees. Nespresso has seven intense coffee options, with very similar sales, highlighting Arpeggio and Ristretto, which also feature the decaffeinated version ", adds Claudia.
To give you an idea, there is a tendency of increased coffee consumption even with the economic crisis. In 2017, the capsule represented 0.9% of the consumption of coffee in the country. In 2021, it is expected to be 1.1%. On the other hand, the consumption of ground coffee, which represented 81% in 2016, should fall to 80% in three years. The toasted grain occupies the middle column and consumption must go from 18% to 19%. The gait is slow, but it shows that there is room for growth. Before 100% of capsules were imported, nowadays, with factories who settled in Brazil, imports decreased a lot. In Kolkata, for example, the coffee produced and roasted here was sent to Italy. There, he was wrapped and then was imported by Brazil. Last year, however, the company began manufacturing the capsules in Montes Claros (MG), making import and export are no longer necessary. Since then, the entire cast is produced in Brazil. In addition to coffee, the Three Hearts produces other beverages encapsulated, totaling 22 flavors. "We're always releasing new flavors. We will launch new lines for the World Cup and blends with coffees from other countries, like Colombia, Ethiopia, Costa Rica and Cuba, "he.
In the case of Nespresso, all capsules are still being imported from Switzerland. The Brazil is the main supplier of coffee to the brand, along with other 11 countries. In Barueri, São Paulo city, there is a distribution and recycling center, where only 13% was recycled last year, a number slightly higher than the 6% of 2016. "The Brazilian coffee is used in a blend. For now, does not justify the opening of a factory in the country, "explains Claudia Leite. In all, the consumer has the choice of cafés line options 24. This week, was launched as a machine, the Lattissima One, which, in addition to coffee, allows the preparation of the drink with added milk, another national passion. Research conducted by own Nespresso revealed that 91% of people drink coffee and that 56% of them choose to savor the drink in the morning, in larger cups with milk.
Production and export
The Brazil is one of the largest grain-producing countries and of instant coffee. The consumption by here also not stay behind. Abic's data indicate that, when we talk about coffee in capsules, in 2016 consume 9000 tons of coffee. The following year, consumption increased to 10000 tons and the forecast is that this year get up to 11000 tonnes. To 2021, the tendency is to be consumed around 14000 tonnes. In the world, however, the 2011 2016 capsules market grew 13.8% and the expectation of 2016 to 2021 is only 6.2%.
When it comes to exports, coffee, which has been one of our main products grown on Brazilian soil, remains fairly ordered abroad, mainly in Germany and the United States, the first and second placed on the consumption of Brazilian coffee. However, in March of this year, exports fell 11 percent compared to the same period last year, but 1% higher than in February this year, according to data from the Council of Brazil's coffee Exporters (Cecafé) released 10 April day.
"In March, we had a good export, configuring a fair performance, we aligned predicted. The market is optimistic and have an eye on the next harvest due to good weather in producing areas, "says Nelson Carvalhaes, President of Cecafé. Even if the numbers are smaller, the "coffee maintains a positive performance". "This is because the coffee is more than a drink, it's a product that promotes moments of socialization", he adds. He says further that the tendency of growth of world consumption on average of 2% a year is maintained and the good reputation of Brazilian coffee ensures you're always with a demand attractive.
If the Brazil following the trend of producing coffee and also the capsules, it is quite possible that the export of this model also grow. Herszkowicz believes that Brazil will start to export to countries that form the Southern Cone (Argentina, Chile and Uruguay), mainly in places whose markets are starting.
Veja - 14/04/2018
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