quarta-feira, 11 de abril, 2018

Natura shall maintain direct sales model in international expansion, says President

SAO PAULO (Reuters)-the Chief Executive of Natura, João Paulo Ferreira, said on Tuesday that the company will not abandon your cosmetics direct sales model in your international expansion. The company is working on expansion in Natura brand worldwide and seeking direct selling increasingly integrated with the scanning, said the Executive at an event in Sao Paulo.
With regard to Brazil's economy, Fernandez said that the process of improvement in economic indicators in the country must be reflected in any improvement in consumption.
However, the Executive pointed out that the consumption in the country is far from achieving the highest performance levels seen for three or four years.
Ferreira has strengthened efforts for Natura brand rejuvenation and scanning, with the objective of reaching the end of the year with approximately of 1 million consultants using the digital platform, up from 500,000 at the end of last year.
Reuters - 10/04/2018
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