terça-feira, 03 de abril, 2018

GPA dispute and Carrefour by customer arrives in apps

The fight of the big retail chains of supermarkets arrived in customers ' cell phone. The Grupo Pão de Açúcar (GPA) and Carrefour are investing in new platforms of relationship through applications and bet on those tools as a differential to be able to gain market share. Custom offer
The ID of the customer at the time of purchase is one of the key parts to the loyalty strategy of retailers. The supermarket can track customer purchase history, decipher your behavior through data analysis and offer them products that he likes or has the potential to like.
In practice, instead of just sending a massive offer of beer that is on sale in the week, the supermarket may offer the customer an offer from jam that he buys and for months does not put in the cart.
For the networks, to offer targeted can be more assertive and bring the client back to the store. "It makes no sense to offer discount coupon of trash food for someone who only buy healthy food," said Silvana. "The consumer changes your behavior when you see the retailer gives you something relevant," said Calderon.
The GPA and Carrefour have identified that their customers are not believers-buy in their stores, buy also in competition and in drugstores. The goal of both networks is trying to change consumer behavior and make him come back to your store and get less in the competition.
Hypermarkets connected
Unit of supermarket chain Pão de Açúcar, in the southern area of São Paulo (photo: Karina Trevizan/G1) unit of supermarket chain Pão de Açúcar, in the southern area of São Paulo (photo: Karina Trevizan/G1)
Unit of supermarket chain Pão de Açúcar, in the southern area of São Paulo (photo: Karina Trevizan/G1)
The use of the applications to connect the physical and virtual retail is a world trend in large networks, explains the Coordinator of the Center for retail studies at ESPM, Richard Pastore.
It's a global trend in major retail chains. They are already selling online and offline environments. In mobile can unite 2 and offer another experience for the customer, "he says. Amazon and Walmart have gender initiatives abroad, said Pastore.
The low price is no longer a differentiator for the flags Sugarloaf and Carrefour, which have their own networks of the group "atacarejo"-Assai and Atacadão, respectively, where in fact the price difference. "The model of hypermarkets is a format in crisis. Need to get differentiation through customer loyalty, "Pastore.
More than offer personalized promotions, the app should receive new features. One of the new fronts is the mobile payment in stores, eliminating the customer to use the box. The release of Apple's digital payment solution is already in the plans of the sugar loaf.
See what is already in the apps:
GPA: discount coupon, Awards (customer's goal to buy more and achieving wins awards), barcode reader, online sales and box express (allows you to schedule the service in cases of physical stores)
Carrefour: discount coupon, store locator, bar code reader to check prices in physical stores and online sale
No points, no miles
The supermarkets ' decision to take the scoring system of their loyalty programs moved to the sector. Large companies, such as Multiplus and Smiles, which are connected with the travel industry, ceased to be partners of the GPA.
"The point was not a perception of value by the client. It was a low, which changed not generosity consumer behavior. Discounts and premiums are more effective, "said Calderon.
Both the Executive of the GPA as the marketing leader of Carrefour said they are studying ways to bring large companies as partners of the loyalty program, but did not report possible solutions.
G1 - 03/04/2018
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