segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro, 2018

Brazil has recycled nearly 300,000 tons of aluminum cans in 2017

The aluminum industry released this Wednesday (5/12) the numbers of recycling of 2017. Almost all aluminum beverage cans sold in 2017 returned to the production cycle, achieving a recycling rate of 97.3%. Of 303,900 tons of aluminum cans for drinks placed on the market in 2017, 295,800 tonnes were collected and recycled. Despite the good result last year, the index showed small backed down in 2016 reached 97.7%. The volume, however, increased by 2017. In 2016 were 280,000 tonnes of recycled cans. Since 2004, the index remains above 90 percent, putting the country among the world leaders in recycling this packaging. The numbers were announced by the Brazilian Association of manufacturers of aluminium cans (Abralatas) and by the Brazilian Aluminum Association (Abal), during launch, in Brasilia (DF), the parliamentary front for the creation of economic stimuli to the preservation of the environment. For Renault Castro, ceo of Abralatas, the high rate of recycling the can makes it clear the need for a debate like that will be mapped out by the parliamentary front. "Today, the reuse of the same material already taxed or is considered as extenuating circumstances for the tax burden. The consumer pays duty on the same product several times, since the Tin keeps recycling index near 100% for more than 10 years, "he explains. Renault thinks the theme gains momentum with the creation of the Front. "The main goal of the use of tax instruments should be to make the market prices of various goods and services reflect their social and environmental costs, in addition to the material costs, production and marketing, without elevation of taxes ". The ceo of Abal, Milton, remember that, even in the face of adversity, the sector does not cease to invest. He pointed out that, despite the strong economic downturn which the country suffers from 2015, aluminum recycling is in full expansion in Brazil. "The two largest companies in the segment, Novelis and ReciclaBR group, our associates, just announced major plans for next year. The ReciclaBR Group will inaugurate new collection centers in the country and a casting plant in Minas Gerais. Already the Novelis, will invest R $650 million in your factory in Pindamonhangaba (São Paulo). Moves like that is that guarantee Brazil's world leadership in the recycling of cans, "concludes the Executive. For Mario Fernandez, Coordinator of the Recycling Committee of ABAL and Group CEO Recycles BR, the recycling of aluminum cans shows with optimism as the chain of aluminum can is inserted in Circular Economy. "And that depend on the ReciclaBR Group, we will contribute to maintaining the high level of recycling, because we have solid investments planned", he adds.
Embalagem Marca - 05/12/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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