sexta-feira, 14 de dezembro, 2018

Boost pulp exports in Mato Grosso do Sul

Exports for the month of November, Mato Grosso do Sul, totaling $ $460,772,000, high revenue of 38.9% over the same month of last year, when revenue was $ $331,630,000. The main products responsible for the increase were the pulp, which closed the month with $ $234.6 million (83.7%) advance and, secondly, the soybeans, with $ $80.7 million (significant increase of 751.5%, driven by trade war between China and the States Us). The data were released yesterday by the Ministry of industry, Trade and services (Mdic) and show that the accumulated from January to November of 2018, the sales revenue abroad totaled $ $5.336 billion, showing an increase of 20.2% compared the same period to 2017, when it was $ $4.439 billion. Cellulose and soy, once more, were the largest responsible for breakthrough in the year, with $ $1.870 billion and $1.744 billion, respectively.
Tissue on line - 13/12/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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