quarta-feira, 31 de outubro, 2018

Study Points Increasingly Experimental Stores

The journey of consumer purchase, until 2040, must go through technological change, especially the omnicanalidade. The projection is a global consultancy Euromonitor study about the influence of technology on the shopping experience in the future. According to the survey, the humanization will ensure longevity and relevance of brands, along with acting in digital commerce. Consumers will attend physical stores just to test products and online shopping will terminate, which will cause the establishments become increasingly a center of experimentation. The study gave focus to the changes in the Windows, entrance and exit locations and areas for assessment of items. In addition, the establishments of the future will have a separate entrance for orders made online and the areas of product testing can be performed in virtual environments. Due to low demand of physical buying, retailers will have less inventory, repositioning the space in experimental centers. In relation to the journey, the facial recognition software will allow you to customize, tailor offers to the customers ' profiles and automate the checkout process.
Giro News - 30/10/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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