quinta-feira, 04 de janeiro, 2018

Retail sales of Advance Construction 6%

Retail sales of construction materials advanced 6 percent in 2017, compared with the previous year. The annual turnover of the industry closed in R $114.5 billion. The information is research National Association of traders of construction materials (Anamaco). According to the entity, last year was a period of recovery. The expectation of Anamaco is that the sector will grow 8.5 percent in 2018, influenced by the reduction of interest rates, inflation and rising employment. In December, sales of building material grew 1 percent compared to November. The same percentage was observed in comparison to December 2016.
In the analysis by category, sales of inks had growth of 8% in December compared with November. Sales of cement grew by 2% in the period; the ceramic coating fell 4%, and those of cement tiles presented fall of 3%.
Giro News – 03/01/2018 Noticia traducida automáticamente
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