sexta-feira, 29 de setembro, 2017

Fragrances segment stands out and above the market grows in beauty

Sao Paulo-the market for inputs to fragrances stood out amid the crisis and keep growth within the beauty industry. Even in a recession, consumers did not abandon buying perfumes, pulling the demand of raw material by industry.
The French multinational Robertet, which provides inputs for industries such as cosmetics and Perfumery, is an example of growth above the market average, pulled from the sale of fragrances. The company will register this year, a 25% increase in sales, after a 50% expansion seen last year and 138% in 2015, says the company's General Director, Francisco Marques.
If the numbers are converted to dollar-the American currency is important because most of the inputs being imported-designed expansion for this year will be 50%, against a growth of 45% and 100%, respectively, for the years 2015 and 2016.
"We have a timely issue of some customers, with high representation in our portfolio, we have had an explosion of growth, which helped our result," he said.
Some of the customers are the Hinode, Reckitt Benckiser and English Wax.
"Apparently, the fragrances could be regarded as a superfluous item, but the market doesn't see it that way. The consumer has to buy perfumes. Don't suffer with the same intensity, unlike what occurred with the sector as a whole. We had an exceptional growth in the past two years. "
According to data from Euromonitor, the growth in the volume of ingredients for fragrances in beauty and personal care should be of 2.3% this year, while in 2018 the high could reach 3.6%.
Mahmood emphasizes that the Robertet uses over 1500 chemicals as raw material for the formulation of fragrances, which are customized for each client. The inputs are used for a range of products such as colonies, shampoos, skin care products and cleaning.
To account for the growth, the company is investing about R $37 million on your duplication factory in Tamboré (SP), which is expected to be completed in 2019.
Unlike the fragrance area, ensuring the growth of Robertet, the bouquet of aromas used by the food and beverage industries, presents a different situation. "This segment felt over the crisis," says Mahmoud. In this area, which is pulling demand positively are flavourings intended for products with a line of "healthiness". "Drinks and yogurts with lower levels of sugar or fat have stood out," he says.
The President of consumer solutions the global Dow, Mauro Gregory points out that the Brazilian consumer features keep consuming items of personal hygiene, perfumery and cosmetics, even in times of crisis. "Beauty products are easy to fit, giving a sensation of affordable luxury. The need to always look good encourages the exchange of more sophisticated products for others of lower prices ", says the Executive.
According to the Brazilian Association of the industry of personal hygiene, perfumery and cosmetics (Abihpec), the sector is expected to register an expansion of revenues in real terms between 1% and 3% this year on 2016.
The growth of this industry occurs after falling 6.3 percent in 2016, and from 9.3% in 2015. The retractions-the first recorded in nearly two decades, according to Abihpec, were driven by the economic crisis, together with the increased tax burden resulting from the beginning of the collection, from may 2015, the Industrialized products tax (IPI) on distribution. Before, the industry progressed, in real terms, at an average rate of 9.2% per annum compound.
DCI – 29/09/2017
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