sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro, 2017

Gruppo Campari purchase uk brand of premium Gin

The Gruppo Campari and the Bullgod London Dry Gin announced this month the signing of a definitive agreement in which the Campari acquires most of the assets of the brand of gin, independently-owned, for $55 million, in addition to assume the liabilities and working capital by approximately $3,400,000.
The negotiation leaves availability of cash and other assets in the balance sheet of Bulldog, resulting in profits of approximately $70 million at closing for the shareholders, a multiple of 5.7 times the recipe of the year 2016.

The Gruppo Campari distributes Bulldog Gin from 2014 through your own network, including the Global Travel Retail channel, by virtue of a unique five-year agreement, with an option attaches share purchase to acquire ownership of the brand in 2020. After the renegotiation of the terms of the agreement, the Group accelerated this purchase. The new structure allows the company to obtain a financially attractive proposition, allowing them to exploit fully the growth potential in the future through full control of marketing strategy, as well as brand-building initiatives.

According to company data, the Bulldog was released in the United States in 2007 and then in Europe. He has made a meteoric development and is room premium gin in the world (IWSR).

The brand is currently available in 95 countries, with a strong concentration in Europe and United States. Spain, Benelux, Germany, United Kingdom, Global Travel Retail are currently the largest markets. Approximately 150,000 boxes of 9 litres were sold and reached net sales of more than $12 million in 2016, an increase of 24% and 22% respectively, compared to the previous year.
Supermercado Moderno - 16/02/2017
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