quarta-feira, 20 de dezembro, 2017

Owner of iFood door in app delivery

The Movile, owner of iFood PlayKids in Brazil and applications, announced contribution on startup Mercadoni, which Colombian delivery operates in shopping at supermarkets, pharmacies, pet shops and wine stores and delicatessens.
In a statement, the company reports that this is the first time that you invest in a startup to delivery working exclusively outside of Brazil. The Movile does not inform the value paid, but stresses that the contribution is part of a round of investments in Mercadoni that totaled $ $9 million.
For the President of Movile, Fabricio Bloisi, delivery of supermarkets has great potential in Latin America. "Apart from the everyday hectic, big Latin cities usually have a heavy flow of traffic, which leads consumers to enjoy home deliveries," explained Bloisi in note.
DCI - 20/12/2017
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