segunda-feira, 04 de dezembro, 2017

Crisis shakes sales of fruit juices

Horta PET packaging and polyethylene (member of the carton box, the Brazilian market of juices is, literally, an orchard of high liquidity. Projection consultancy Euromonitor International predicts national consumption of the order of 2.6 billion liters in 2021, above the current level of 2.3 billion liters of volumes of the following products: bottled juices, NECTARS integrals, refreshments and coconut water. On the margins of the crisis, the national consumption is still considered low, and in nothing memorable economic of 2016, retail sales of concentrated juice (liquid and powder) scored their R $7.9 billion in 2016 or about 120% versus 2015 and exceed the mark of R $8 bilhõe in 2017, sustains the Euromonitor. Between the turbines of this acceleration, the frenzy of launches, reflected also in the renewal of packaging and packaged by the cult of healthiness with multifunctional appeals. For example, the brand Juxx envisioned in the November campaign the motto for Blue spread your predicates Pomegranate juice to inhibit prostate cancer. Another handy for the balance of the juices from the proliferation of supermarket own brands, increasing the penetration of food, especially in the low-income strata.
Plásticos em Revista - 04/12/2017
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