sexta-feira, 23 de setembro, 2016

Retail Paulista back to Generate formal jobs

According to survey conducted monthly by Federation of trade in goods, services and tourism of the State of São Paulo (FecomercioSP), the retail trade of the State of Sao Paulo seems to be starting to recover from a long period of shrinkage in the total of formal employees, which has already lasted seven months. In July, retail paulista 401 jobs created as a result of 66,595 admissions and 66,194 disconnections. With that, the active stock of workers reached 2,063,828 in the month, reduction of 3.3% compared to July last year. Despite the recoil compared to the previous year, this sector did not present positive balance since November 2015, when 13600 workers were hired to meet the demand of Christmas, the most important date for trade.
Negative balance in about 2015 even with the positive balance in July, only two of the nine surveyed activities created new jobs in comparison with the same month of 2015: the pharmacies and perfumeries increased the number of employees with signed at 1.9%, and the supermarkets, at 0.3%. The negative highlights were the sectors of furniture and decoration ( -7.9%), car dealerships ( -7.3%) and household appliances, electronics, and department stores ( -7.1%). With respect to data for occupations, functions that presented the greatest positive balances of jobs were those of vendors and demonstrators (773 jobs), followed by fillers and feeders (597 jobs). In twelve months, the post he lost places was that of vendors and demonstrations, with-14,709 vacancies.
Retail trade Ended July with negative balance of Jobs the retail trade of the city of São Paulo ended July with 646,355 employees, after the creation of 1,207 jobs with officially registered during the month, a result of 21,131 admissions and 19,924 disconnections. The accumulated balance in the seven months of the year was negative at 15,762 jobs and, in the last 12 months, were eliminated 19,719 jobs-which led to a reduction of 3% of the total stock in comparison to July 2015. Of the nine surveyed activities, only those that sell essential goods recorded increase in the stock of workers in relation to July last year: pharmacies and perfumeries (1.9%) and supermarkets (0.8%). The negative highlights were the furniture and decoration ( -7.9%), utilities ( -7.5%) and clothing stores, fabric and footwear ( -6.5%).
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