quarta-feira, 13 de julho, 2016

Production of bottled beer grows 21.7% disposable in 1st semester

The migration of consumption of beer bars and restaurants for the households forced breweries to change the type of packaging of drinks. According to data from the Brazilian Association of the industry of Beer (CervBrasil), the production of beer in disposable glass bottle increased by 21.7% in the first half of this year, representing 4.5% of the total production in the sector. In the same period, the production of beer has accumulated fall of 2.2%.
According to CervBrasil, the consumer has opted for individual packages with indication of consumer migration to the domicile. This change is a result of the fall in household disposable income, generated by the economic crisis.
While the production of beer in disposable bottle grows, the production of the beverage in returnable glass bottles fell 5.2% in the first half, a result of low demand in bars-principal place of returnable hull sales. Canned production had 0.7% retraction.
According to the entity, retail beer prices for consumption in households rose more than those of drink in bars and restaurants. Beer inflation measured by the consumer price index (IPCA)-accumulates 3% high in the first half of the year, below the general inflation for the period of 4.4%. The inflation of home beer was 3.5% in the range, against 2.8 percent for beer sold in bars and restaurants.
The CervBrasil also confirmed in bulletin that beer production in the second quarter of the year showed an increase of 3.3% compared to the same period in 2015, reaching 2.99 billion liters produced. In the first half, the sector builds up 2.2% drop in production, to 6.34 billion liters.
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