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May, 2020

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89 items in 6 pages
Already under the effect of coronavirus and isolation, GDP falls 1.5% in the ...

5/29/2020 - Results of the Brazilian economy released by IBGE already incorporate worsening of the pandemic and

3rd Branch in Ribeirão Preto

5/29/2020 - Cobasi Expands Presence in the Interior of São Paulo

How is direct selling without social contact

5/29/2020 - Industry Association, Mary Kay and CDE Plan analyze impacts of the pandemic on the activity, which h

Northeastern industrialists need more help, research shows

5/29/2020 - Four out of five northeastern executives have already sought or intend to seek help in the package o

Fort Wholesaler inaugurates its 40th unit

5/29/2020 - Fort Wholesaler opens store in São Bento do Sul

Unemployment grows to 12.8 million, says IBGE

5/28/2020 - Number of workers with a signed license, not counting households, fell to 32.2 million people, the l

Industry confidence in Brazil has slight recovery in May, says FGV

5/28/2020 - Industry Confidence Index rose 3.2 points in May to 61.4 points; in April, the index had touched a r

Makro Segue in São Paulo

5/28/2020 - Network Bet on Delivery and Markeplace

Marfrig and ADM create plant products joint venture

5/28/2020 - PlantPlus Foods will market plant-based items for retail and food service, mainly from North and Sou

Prezunic will double donations made by customers this week in Rio

5/28/2020 - Prezunic joined the Mesa Sem Fome campaign, an arm of the Mesa Brasil Program, maintained 20 years a

Covid-19: Brazil has the second highest incidence of deaths in Latin America

5/27/2020 - There are 110.43 deaths per million inhabitants. Country is behind only Ecuador

Max Wholesaler arrives in Catanduva with modern structure

5/27/2020 - Muffato Group inaugurated its Unit Max Wholesaler in Catanduva (SP) on Tuesday (26).

Increase in Online Sales

5/27/2020 - Magazine's E-commerce Luiza Has 73% High

Coronavirus: refrigerators concentrate one third of cases of covid-19 in RS

5/27/2020 - Public Ministry of Labor counts 2,079 confirmed cases of contamination by the new coronavirus among

Leo Madeiras will give aid of R $ 600 for 3,500 joiners

5/27/2020 - Requirements for receiving the amount donated by the Good Joinery Project

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