CATEGORY - Flour - Consumer
Wheat flour (consumer) is a powder product obtained from the milling of wheat, for the preparation of bread, noodles, cakes, etc.
Market development - Annual/Monthly
Access annual / monthly historical consumption or production data from 1991 up to last year with forecasts for the next 5 years, updated monthly
History: 2001 a 2022 | Forecast: 2023 a 2027 See example
Market share
Market shares by company
Anaconda, Belarina, Buaiz, J Macedo, M Dias Branco, M Nordeste, Moinho Cearense, Moinho Globo, Moinho Paulista, Moinho Santa Clara, Moinho Sete Irmãos, Predileto, Selmi, Tondo, Vera Cruz, Vilma See example
Consumption by region: South, Southeast, Greater São Paulo, Greater Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo Interior, Midwest and Northeast
History: 2001 a 2021 See example
Shows both annual and monthly data broken down into four tables: #1. total volume of product packed in each type of packaging; #2. volume of packaging in millions of units; #3. volume of packaging in metric tons; #4. percentage each type of packaging represents of the total volume
History: 2001 a 2022 | Forecast: 2023 a 2027 See example
  • Multiwall sacks
  • Bags/wrappers
MG paper
  • Bags/wrappers
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Price: $ 482.86
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