Portugues Ingles

This page contains some free data that provides a macro look at some of DATAMARK’s packaging research. In most cases the data contains some historical data. The following information is provided:


Economy, macro-economic data about Brazil such as: Area, population, distribution of income, household data, age demographics, industrial production, payment balance, economic indicators, GDP breakdown and consumer goods data.


Raw-materials present a consolidated view of Datamark’s research through numeric tables of packaging consumed in volume and value (US$) by raw-material and end-use market.


Markets presents the evolution in sales of several goods in a variety of segments such as durable goods and automobiles.

Durable goods include electronics and kitchen appliances

Automobiles include light vehicles.

Heavy vehicles include buses, tractors, trucks as well as other two-wheel vehicles such as bicycles and motorcycles.

All data is updated on a monthly basis and can be downloaded to excel. Important adjustments, such as real data updates for the previous year, take place in August.

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